You may wonder why I chosen to begin my first review with MyBlogLog Community. It's simple, because it's the first community that I started working on and gave me great results.
MyBlogLog strategy is simple: creating a community and getting members on it. The more your community have members, the more readers you get from MyBlogLog.But first of all, let's check MyBlogLog traffic! Because the more a website has visitors, the more it can forward to you.
To check MyBlogLog Traffic, Google Trends for websites will help us, by drawing a graph of site daily unique from the last year to the last month.
Here's the graph

Mybloglog in Blue, BlogCatalog in yellow, Mixx in Red
Ok, I put three websites, I'll explain to you why after. Now concentrate on the blue line. It's getting a steady traffic of about 60,000 daily unique, which means a good traffic for the site but not so good for us.
So if you are looking for massive traffic, Mybloglog can't do that for you! You may check other sites like Digg and stumbleupon (which I'm going to write a review about them soon)
Now, we come to another point: The ease of getting visitors and letting your community grow rapidly. By my experience, Mybloglog need so much time and effort to grow your community.
However BlogCatalog don't, the proof is that its traffic is increasing floantly, which means Mybloglog is not doing well in this domain. I choose also another site, which is growing fastly Mixx! And the more a site grow faster, the better your community grows on it and this also mean, that the website is user friendly and don't have much restriction.
But as I said, we have to join all the social websites and work on them all. Here's a small case of study of my Spring Of Life Blog, which has more than 250 members in its mybloglog community.
The following chart (From Google Analytics), shows traffic coming from mylbloglog during the month of June.
Mybloglog sent a total of 230 visitors in this month. On the first days I was more enthusiastic about it, then I got busy on other things which explain the traffic fall.

If you didn't setup your MyBlogLog account yet, then you should do it, here's a good blog post describing how to do it.
Now let me explain how you'll explose your Mybloglog community number from 0 to 200 or even more like I have done with Spring Of Life community.
The first thing to know, is that getting members to your community by sending messages or joining yourself is impossible. MyBlogLog is a slow community, but there's a hint that will help you.
Getting your community on the top 6 hot communities is quite easy and can help you get 30 members in one day! (But don't forget that the site reset this list, however you can get back to it!)
The rule to get to this list is simple: Getting many members joining your community in a very short time. Which means you need to work quickly and for a long period!
You need to break record yourself, getting 30 or 40 members in 10 or 12 hours and then watch your community on the hot zone.
Here's how to do it:
Now you are doing three things
However, as I said before, this a very slow site (If you try to compare it to Twitter for example), but the advantage, is that Mybloglog still drive traffic everytime you publish a post and as well this depends on your communities members!
Be sure you work everyday for a few minutes, adding new friends and joining new communities. Here's a few tips.
Have question? Post a comment!
MyBlogLog strategy is simple: creating a community and getting members on it. The more your community have members, the more readers you get from MyBlogLog.But first of all, let's check MyBlogLog traffic! Because the more a website has visitors, the more it can forward to you.
To check MyBlogLog Traffic, Google Trends for websites will help us, by drawing a graph of site daily unique from the last year to the last month.
Here's the graph

Mybloglog in Blue, BlogCatalog in yellow, Mixx in Red
Ok, I put three websites, I'll explain to you why after. Now concentrate on the blue line. It's getting a steady traffic of about 60,000 daily unique, which means a good traffic for the site but not so good for us.
So if you are looking for massive traffic, Mybloglog can't do that for you! You may check other sites like Digg and stumbleupon (which I'm going to write a review about them soon)
Now, we come to another point: The ease of getting visitors and letting your community grow rapidly. By my experience, Mybloglog need so much time and effort to grow your community.
However BlogCatalog don't, the proof is that its traffic is increasing floantly, which means Mybloglog is not doing well in this domain. I choose also another site, which is growing fastly Mixx! And the more a site grow faster, the better your community grows on it and this also mean, that the website is user friendly and don't have much restriction.
The following chart (From Google Analytics), shows traffic coming from mylbloglog during the month of June.
Mybloglog sent a total of 230 visitors in this month. On the first days I was more enthusiastic about it, then I got busy on other things which explain the traffic fall.

Mybloglog now still sends to that blog about 4 or 3 visitors a day (which means not bad). And if I work harder, it'll drive more than 30 constant visitor a day.
So If you are going to follow those simple tips, you may enjoy 100 readers or more, by simply working 2 or 3 hours a day on this portal.
So If you are going to follow those simple tips, you may enjoy 100 readers or more, by simply working 2 or 3 hours a day on this portal.
If you didn't setup your MyBlogLog account yet, then you should do it, here's a good blog post describing how to do it.
Now let me explain how you'll explose your Mybloglog community number from 0 to 200 or even more like I have done with Spring Of Life community.
The first thing to know, is that getting members to your community by sending messages or joining yourself is impossible. MyBlogLog is a slow community, but there's a hint that will help you.
Getting your community on the top 6 hot communities is quite easy and can help you get 30 members in one day! (But don't forget that the site reset this list, however you can get back to it!)
The rule to get to this list is simple: Getting many members joining your community in a very short time. Which means you need to work quickly and for a long period!
You need to break record yourself, getting 30 or 40 members in 10 or 12 hours and then watch your community on the hot zone.
Here's how to do it:
- Send 15 messages to online users only
- Add at least 80 users to your friends list
- Join at least 20 community in short time
- Ask friends on forums or chat sites to join
Now you are doing three things
- Increasing your friends list
- Getting more members
- Getting your profile listed in more communities
However, as I said before, this a very slow site (If you try to compare it to Twitter for example), but the advantage, is that Mybloglog still drive traffic everytime you publish a post and as well this depends on your communities members!
Be sure you work everyday for a few minutes, adding new friends and joining new communities. Here's a few tips.
- Add friends you find on the members page
This contain most active members, new members and members that joined a community recently which means online members - Don't add friends that didn't visit the site they have 4 or 5 months: Those are dead accounts
- Reply to questions you receive
- Always accept friendship requests and if someone joins your community, join his community too.
- Try to be friendly and have good relation with all other members.
- Don't Spam profile by sending messages to get traffic, you'll fail!
Have question? Post a comment!
Hi, I'm one of your pals on MyBlogLog. Is there a way to use MyBlogLog as a feed reader? Ikeep looking for a screen where I can read all the latest posts of either my contacts or communities. Like the "New With" but without all of the other things like Twitter and their MyBlogLog activity.
I am going to look at MyBlogCatalog - it looks good. Have you been to Entrecard?
If you want a feed reader then try Google reader it's better. I have never tried Mybloglog to read feeds
BTW (I don't recommend EntreCard)
It's a pity. I am quite fussy what I put on my feed reader because I read all of the entries. I was hoping MyBlogLog could help me keep up with a new, more casual groups of blogs but it doesn't look like that will work.
I'd be very interested in hearing about your view on Entrecard!!!
Have you tried Friendfeed? By the way, you can search on the web for an RSS reader like Google Reader, it'll helps you a lot.
For EntreCard, the idea is good but the system and management isn't, I'm going to write more about that :)
Hoots Mon!
Every system is what you make it and like all social network sites the more you use them the more you will benefit from them, I disagree with you on EntrCard i think it offers more options and it is founded on good solid marketing principles.
Overall i do use social networks to build exposure but there is no substitute for good content, I think you have to build up your reputation and communicate with your readers in a meaningful way.
Great Post though, MaxHomeBits
Hi Billmasson,
It's true the more you work on a social website, the more power you get.
For EntreCard I'm talking about security issues
I built my community by first joining communities, adding contacts, and then leaving/responding to messages for people. It isn't a slow process to me.
That is how I am doing it on Blog Catalog too.
for some people 2 or 3 months isn't slow, for other they want instant result...
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