Blogs are other thing. In the beginning it's a space where the author writes about his ramblings and other things that he does the day long. Now it became an industry. With more than 200 millions blog on the web and growing (although there's only 600,000 post a day). The blogging turned to a huge industry, where advertising became the most important thing on it and not the information that it gave.
While quantity is increasing, quality change from better to worse, from worse to terrible, from terrible to spam... The main point is to get traffic and increase revenues.
This is not the case of small bloggers or simple peoples. Google started Knol, a worst edition of Wikipedia. Google don't think of the spam information, but only of its advertising service, see it growing and growing...
So what should you do or what should we do?
Simply, stop spam and repeating what other says, either by copying directly the content or reformulating it, because it has no real advantage rather than growing the web, which means 'find the best information in longer time'.
Starting a blog?
Yet, starting a blog is a very good idea. But the wrong one is to talk about thing other blogger already talked about. Try to talk about anything you love and find that it worth this trouble. Talk about your life experience and other things you do the day long!
What about visitors?
Yet, readers need time and quality. Don't try to focus only on Google Search Traffic. Optimization is good, but being social is much more better. By being social, you become popular and you build your base of reader.
How much does this cost?
Exactly nothing. You can create a free blog on Blogger or Wordpress and Social websites are generally free. But if you choose Wordpress.com then you can't make money online with it! (Only if its self hosted)
Can I then make money online?
After having thousands of reader, hundred of members in different communities, thousands of follower and hundred of visitors a day, we can think on making money online with your blog. Going pro is better in this case.
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